Monday, September 8, 2008

9-8-08 Altius med. nessity fax # 877-554-9137, asked for o.o.p. audit

Got med necessity Fax # for Dr. Becker And she faxed in the request of 2 shots weekly with the letter. I requested Altius to audit my O.O. Pocket spending to the end of the last contract year. 8-8-31. Any $ I have not been sent before, but are owed will be sent to me. I have no idea what the total may be. I think probably$336.00 for my last avonex order of that month. Not real sure though.
When I start with the two injections weekly the cost will double so I will have to keep extra close track of order dates, billings and payments. Easily done! This is the fax # to send in letters of medical necessity: 877-554-9137.
I have an eye appointment this p.m. I will recap latter;-)

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