Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8-19-08 First Entry


8-19-08 simple update no thrills;-)

8-19-08 I know the blogger adds a Title w/the date. My date shows on the labels list,;-) I need to back up one day to let you know that before helping me with my kitchen Gail took me to my Dr. appointment since I couldn't find my keys. More about appointment later.
I managed to take myself this a.m.. I got a DEXA scan for bone density.Dr. Becker checks it every so often because I take Prenesone monthly and that stuff leeches Calcium. I think my bones are O.K..There will be a tech report in a day or so. That's all for this site.
I am starting another site today that's only M.S. stuff.That way if you really want to see it you can but won't have to sift through it here.
Well that first part is from my Walkerology site to point this way. I felt I needed a place to vent,record, or even whine if I needed to w/o making my main blog glum. You are right M.S. is not always glum. Still, no one wants to plow though another's health diary (how boring) Of course I am speaking of "the Rest". That is my term for non M.S.ers. I had used the "Others" previously but the movie didn't use my slant, so now the rest must accept their new designation with grace. If this is boring for you readers feel free to move on. This is mostly just for me anyway. If by chance you read something you would like to talk about here is my E-mail address walkerswords@gmail.com.
continuing....I was late for the appointment because it is my shot day. I feel kind of silly explaining this, it makes me sound like an addicted druggy.Seriously, when I reach this day I am all out of gas at least in my body.Every bit of my Avonex is used up I'm sure. My thinking is very slow so everything else is too.Even when I am going 'fast' I am merely projecting my intent. The clock verifies that every time.I feel like a Giant Macey's Parade balloon full of sand.I know I am not moving like part of me says I am. I often feel as though I am mentally leaning forward pushing both hands on my dashboard, so to speak to get this body moving. All of this will be over-ridden by my crash monitor if I truly do start moving close to a normal pace. Every time I have had a fall I have either been hurrying, very tired or both. Just like the 'Rest',
moving with a foot on go and a foot on "stop yesterday."tends to tucker ya out. There may be a few readers who are doing the "oh yah" about now. I need a break. More about my adventures with Kim and the Malicious Stranger in the coming weeks.Will the Botox injections really work the way they should? Will Kim get her shot on time tonight or brain fog her way through another day? Will she hurry up and fall or smarten-up and rest? Check back and see. We know how unpredictable life is with the Stranger!

Hope your life is Great! Key Ya Later Kim

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